Yoga Teacher Training

This is the last day of an intensive 200 hour yoga teacher training in Alicante, Spain, which started for me in early March. There’s both a lot to say, and not much. It was difficult for me sometimes. It is intensive. At age 54, it was sometimes difficult to concentrate all day long, and there... Continue Reading →

Time (and time again)

It's a wonderful thing to have time, but no one really does. If you think about how short life is, how few times you will do the things you love, or see the ones who matter most to you, it seems like those things are always around until they're not. Time has changed for me... Continue Reading →

The Jury is Still Out

I'm not sure about the "karma" on this one. I'm turning gray. It's kind of pretty sometimes. I'm getting the sort of streaks that I admired in my step-mother, starting at the crown of my head and going under by my ears. Her graying was beautiful. Mine is okay. Sometimes I like to back it... Continue Reading →

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