Falling From Above

I've been depressed. It's everything and nothing, as it often is, but I'm starting to have a physical aversion to some of my students. I'm responsible for a group, technically for the next four years but I'm scrabbling to get out of it and start again with another group next year. They're mostly good at... Continue Reading →

Worstest Hits

We are finally leaving Morocco, but until I'm on the ferry and the ferry has left the port, I'm not counting on anything. The country might still want to hurt me. We are in the waiting room at the port in Tanger. Here's a thing about traveling by ferry when you don't have a car.... Continue Reading →

The Lows

I almost stayed in bed today. Not from physical illness, but from a mental state that left me unprepared to deal with life. But I went to work. I had no reason not to. I wonder when it might be possible to accept taking a sick day because your brain is underwater with...whatever. I haven't... Continue Reading →

The Sound of My Heart Breaking

Who can think of anything else at the moment but THE BUG? Covid-19. Coronavirus. I look at the statistics in the morning, and watch the US climb by a hundred deaths a day. David Sedaris once wrote that in the US, Americans were taught to think "We're number 1!" without ever thinking that no other... Continue Reading →

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