
Despite the idea that "home" is wherever I am with Foro, I actually do have a home. I've lived for two years and two months in the mountains. It is not practical, but it is cheap. I moved up to the sun. That said, I also rent a room with a friend in the city... Continue Reading →


Foro has a sweater! I never thought he could get any more adorable, but there you have it! Jester on the left, Foro on the right My oldest friend has a sheep farm in Kentucky. She is able to do everything with wool. Her sheep Jester provided the wool for this lovely sweater that Foro... Continue Reading →

Cattle Transport

Greyhound station The Greyhound in Chicago is just as sad as I remember. I took a Lyft to get there, for the first time in my life because I’ve become a Eurowimp and don’t have the instincts for dicey neighborhoods anymore and it seems like cabs are no longer a thing. The driver was from... Continue Reading →

My Foro flies over the Ocean

I’m often afraid of flying with Foro. He’s become too ‘important’? This trip is going to involve a lot of sitting around, though, and I think I’m likely to be pretty sad for some of it. He’ll be there to cheer me up. I’m flying to see my parents, and my father is ill, so... Continue Reading →

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